Samstag, 26. November 2011

Train the Teacher Workshop

Train the Teacher Workshop, November 17th -19th 2011

On these three days all members from our schools came together and participated to learn about the environmental background. All team members and teachers studied environmental issues with a deep background and also they calculated the footprint, to get an idea what the students and teacher will have to do in the coming year. Beginning with the background of environmental issues, all members got into the specific terms and learnt about this.
Because the schools and the students have to calculate their carbon footprint for the green jersey, the teachers learnt how to calculate and count CO2 in their school and which possible options can reduce this. With movies and theoretical topics the teachers we had really good three days.
Now all members are very well prepared to start the following activities in January!
EcoSlate ( did a really good job- Thank you!

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