Samstag, 26. November 2011

Kick-Off Workshop

Kick-Off Workshop, October, 15th 2011

The workshop was conducted in order to concretize the pilot project concept by bringing together all stakeholders like the participating schools, local partners, and the project coordination. With the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the major partners at the end of the workshop the pilot project was then formally launched. All representatives of the participating schools were invited to meet for the first time. For this purpose, every school prepared a short introduction of themselves and about activities they have already made with regard to environmental education. Moreover, representatives from the main partner organisation no2co2 explained the concept of EcoSlate and the Green Jersey Award. Teachers, Students and the Pilotproject Team worked together for the further adjustment and improvement of the project concept and to develop more ideas for upscaling of the project.

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