Samstag, 26. November 2011

Teachers Day

Teachers Day (September, 5th, 2011)

In India, there is one yearly event on the 5th of September, which is dedicated only to teachers. On Teacher's day, students across India dress up as their teachers and take lectures in classes that are assigned to the teachers they represent. Also, functions are organized in schools on the special day, where students present dance performances, dramas, and various other programs to entertain their teachers. This day provides for a healthy interaction between teachers and students as well.
 We gave a short interactive seminar beforehand to explore the existing knowledge on the topic and to convey our idea of participative peer-to-peer learning. For the actual event, the students prepared their topics self-reliantly with little support of the teacher. For the research they consulted their school books, newspapers, the internet, parents and peers, they prepared their own PowerPoint presentations, made posters for illustration and gained a lasting experience with the topic. 

 For utilizing the great opportunity of such an event, we addressed one of our partner schools for an intervention on this day, on which we asked the students of 9th and 10th to teach about the environment and climate change.


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